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March 2024 Report
In March, we managed to raise $4,295.69 for our defenders. With this amount, we purchased and delivered:
For the 5-th Assault Brigade:
Vinpocetine, solution for injections, Betahistine, 30 pcs;
Gidazepam tablets 0.02g, Bifren, 50 pcs;
Gidazepam tablets 0.05g, 50 pcs;
Pregabalin-D capsules, 75 mg, 50 pcs;
Glutargin tablets, 0.75, 30 pcs;
Midocalm, 50 pcs;
Catheters, 60 pcs.
Totaling $1,747.6.
We procured flexible plastic evacuation stretchers Ares (M) Standard for Military Unit A2718, 8/1 pcs, $1,161.59.
For the Veliky Burluk Hospital, we purchased:
Omeprazole in bottles, 50 pcs;
L-lysine, 36 pcs;
Thiocetam in ampoules, 40 pcs.
Totaling $1,386.5.
We continue to work hard for our victory!
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